One small neighborhood on the Near South Side mixes the culture and modernity of the contemporary with the architecture of the Gilded Age, but it is tough to find Prairie District parking - unless you have ParkWhiz help, of course. ParkWhiz can help you find Prairie District parking spaces quick, no matter whether you are there to see the Clarke or Glessner Houses, visit friends and family or just to hang out.
ParkWhiz lets you search nearby parking garages or lots by amenities, location and price near the Prairie District, so you can find the Prairie District parking spot that works for you. Once you have the time and date that you want to park in Chicago, you can select a location with a Prairie District parking spot that would have made Marshall Field envious.
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Find parking anywhere, for now or for later
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Book a space in just a few easy clicks
Save up to 50% off standard rates
Enter easily with your mobile parking pass
Your space is waiting – pull in and go do your thing
Enter easily with your mobile parking pass
Your space is waiting – pull in and go do your thing